Playdate cover by Chris Ware

Family time! This cover for The New Yorker by Chris Ware focuses mainly on the success of the videogame Minecraft, but it also puts into perspective how young people spend time together these days. Myself included. I often hang out with others while each person is individually on our phones and more and more, I don't really feel like there's anything wrong with it. I just don't buy the whole notion of electronic interaction making people less socialable. I actually thing it's making people reach out more and connect more frequently than ever before. The only difference is that a lot of people try to package it with traditional face-to-face interaction which it isn't. There's a whole lot I can say about it really. Maybe you can ask me when we hang.


Mirror: An animated New Yorker cover about adolescence and makeup

This animation by Chris Ware and John Kuramoto was made for a December issue of The New Yorker. It was made in collaboration with interviews from This American Life with Ira Glass that retells the story of a mother and daughter realizing the powerful effect of makeup and how it may have affected each person differently. 

I wish This American Life made more of these. They're quite lovely to watch.
